by local447704 | Jan 5, 2017 | AFM Local 447-704 Blog, General, Union Notices
2017 Membership Dues are now payable and due by January 31st. Annual dues are $104.00, or $52.00 for the first half of the year($26.00 per quarter). Make your check or money order payable to “AFM Local 447-704” and mail to the following address: AFM Local 447-704 ...
by local447704 | Jan 5, 2016 | AFM Local 447-704 Blog, General
Local 447-704 will hold a general membership meeting on Monday, January 11th, at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Paul Lott and Lorraine Jones – 533 East 41st Street, Savannah (White two-story on the southwest corner of East 41st and East Broad...
by local447704 | Oct 7, 2015 | AFM Local 447-704 Blog, Employment Opportunities
Get the word out about yourself and your music. Visitors interested in hiring professional musicians can read about the musical services offered by AFM members of our Local. They can read about your musical offerings, see pictures of you and/or your group(s), and...
by local447704 | Sep 7, 2015 | AFM Local 447-704 Blog, General
The Hilton Head Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of its conductor John Morris Russell(also conductor of the acclaimed Cincinnati Pops Orchestra), opens the 2015-16 season on October 19th with a concert featuring Tchaikovsky’s “Capriccio...
by local447704 | Oct 26, 2014 | AFM Local 447-704 Blog, General, Union Notices
We are pleased to announce that the Hilton Head Symphony Orchestra musicians have ratified a new 4-year successor agreement with HHSO management. Many thanks to AFM negotiator Nathan Kahn who provided invaluable assistance during the negotiations, which began in March...